English abstract
The current study aims to identify the role of knowledge management in the
development of administrative skills of the staff in the Directorate General of
Education in the Sultanate of Oman (D.G.E). It also aims to know the
characteristics of people in charge of knowledge management, identify the main
problems that face the knowledge management and unveil the influence of
variables, qualification as well as work experience of study samples on the role of
knowledge management .
The study is based on the descriptive method as a reliable questionnaire was
conducted on 100 persons chosen at random as study samples. In addition, I used
the following statistical methods:-
- Mean value
- Standard Deviation
- Alpha- Chropach`s Calculation of the Reliability of the Tool ,Test (t-test)
- And Analysis of variance
The study has showed the following results:-
- The role knowledge management in the development of administrative skills
among the staff of the D.G.E is quite obvious all through the study
- The characteristics of people in charge of knowledge management is
significantly clear.
- The difficulties that face the knowledge management in developing of
administrative skills are outstanding according to the study samples.
- There are no statistically significant differences in the role of knowledge
management in developing the administrative skills of the study samples due
to variables, qualification and work experience.
- Upon the results of study recommendations were proposed.