English abstract
This study aimed to identify and categorizing the administrative competencies of the middle management department directors in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman, and rank these competencies according to the importance of their acquisition by the directors from the study sample point of view of the study sample. The study also aimed to explore the relation between the study sample's responses regarding the importance of the acquisition of the competencies and the other variables of job, academic qualification, and the years of experience.
There were three main research questions: 1- What is the degree of the importance of acquisition of the administrative competencies by department directors and their deputies in the Ministry of Education in Sultanate of Oman from their own points of view? 2- Are there statistically significant differences at the level of significance a= 0.05 in the degree of the importance of the acquisition of the administrative competencies related to job (Director/ Deputy Director), academic qualification (less than bachelor/ bachelor/ postgraduate), and years of experience (10 or less/ 11-15/ 16–or more).
The study sample consisted of (154) respondents who were selected by stratified random sampling, representing (75)% of the study population which consisted of all Department Directors and their deputies at the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman whose total number is (204).
To collect data, the researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (59) items distributed among seven domains. To estimate the degree of the importance of the acquisition of each competency, a rating scale of five levels was used. The validity of the instrument was ascertained by a number of experts in the field, and its reliability was estimated using internal consistency method.
The researcher used theoretical literature and previous studies to answer the first question. Arithmetic Means and standard deviations were calculated to answer the second question, while One-way ANOVA and t-test were used to answer the third question.
The study revealed the following results:
1. The Department Directors and their deputies' at the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman rating of the degree of importance of acquisition of management competencies were "important" on all domains, controlling competencies ranked first, followed by decision making competencies, organizing competencies, leadership competencies, directing competencies, and communication competencies respectively. 2. A- There is no significant differences at the level a= 0.05 were found in the degree of acquisition importance of management competencies attributable to job and years of experience on all domains.
B- There are significant differences at the level a= 0.05 in the degree of acquisition importance of management competencies attributable to educational qualification in one domain only that is the Organizing Competencies in favor of those have bachelor and postgraduate degrees.