English abstract
The purpose of this study was to identify the efficiency of a training program in acquiring grade 11 chemistry teachers conceptual chemistry problem posing and solving skills, and their perceptions towards them, and its reflection in acquiring their students chemistry problem solving skills. The study consisted from two samples, the first sample consisted of one experimental group of (16) grade 11 chemistry teachers, from various schools in Dakhelyah Governorate of Sultanate Oman. While the second sample consisted of (330) grade 11 students. It was divided into: (n=171) students representing the experimental group who taught by the sample of chemistry teachers, and (a=159) students representing the control group who taught chemistry outside the sample of chemistry teachers, Chemistry teachers were trained for a three days' workshop, on how to pose and solve chemistry conceptual problems, by using the proposed strategies suggested by the researcher, in the second semester of the academic year 2016/2017. In order to answer the study questions, four tools were prepared by the researcher: The conceptual chemistry problems posing skills scale, the conceptual chemistry problems solving skills scale for teachers, the interview about perceptions of teachers in posing and solving conceptual chemistry problems, and the conceptual chemistry problems solving skills scale for students. The tools were verified by a number of judges in the field, and the reliabilities of these tools were calculated. After implementing the tools, the results demonstrated: There were statistical differences at (a = 0.05) between the means scores of chemistry teachers in pre and first post applications of the conceptual chemistry problems posing skills scale, in favor first post application. On the other hand there was no statistical differences at (a = 0.05) between the means scores of chemistry teachers in the first post and second post applications of the conceptual chemistry problems posing skills scale. There were statistical differences at (a = 0.05) between the means scores of chemistry teachers in pre and first post applications of the conceptual chemistry problems solving skills scale, in favor first post application. Also there was statistical differences at (a=0.05) between the means scores of chemistry teachers in the first post and second post applications of the conceptual chemistry problems solving skills scale for teachers, in favor second post application. There were modifications of teacher perceptions about posing and solving conceptual chemistry problems, such as they prefer posing new problems using chemistry incidents and following the problem posing model, and solving them following problem solving strategy proposed by the researcher There were no statistical differences at (a=0.05) between the means scores of experimental and control groups of students in post application of the conceptual chemistry problems solving skills scale for students. In the light of the above results, number of recommendations and suggestions were proposed, such as running seminars and workshops for chemistry teachers on how to pose new conceptual chemistry problems and solve them, using the model and the strategy proposed in this study. In addition the researcher suggested that similar studies need to be conducted for teachers and students related to different variables, and applied it to all science streams at different educational levels