English abstract
This study aimed to identify the most important training needs for social studies secondary school teachers in the sultanate of Oman as perceived by teachers and Supervisors. The study attempted to answer the following questions:
1-What are the most important social studies secondary school teachers training
needs in the sultanate of Oman as perceived by teachers and education
2. Are there any differences between the teachers and Supervisors evaluation for social studies secondary school teachers training needs?
3. Are there any differences among social studies teachers in their perception of
the training needs based on their experience (years of teaching), specialization
(history or geography) and gender (male or female)?
The study sample consisted of 200 social studies secondary school teachers and 44 social studies supervisors. To answer the above mentioned questions, a questionnaire .. was prepared. It consisted of 50 items in six different subjects.
The most important findings from the study are:
• According to teachers, the study fields were ordered desceningly as follows Teaching aids, teaching methods, academic and Professional development, instructional planning, assessment and class management.
• According to supervisors, the study fields were ordered desceningly as follows: Teaching methods, academic and Professional development, teaching aids, assessment, Instructional planning and class management. There are significant differences at the 0.05 level between the perception of teachers and supervisors in the fields of teaching methods, teaching aids, assessment and academic and Professional development, where ratings of supervisors for the needs in these fields were higher than the ratings of teachers. . There are no significant differences at the 0.05 level which are attributable to the variables of teacher experience and specialization. There is significant difference at the 0.05 level between male and female teachers in the field of class management. Only, where male teachers indicate more needs. In the light of the results, the researcher has come up with a set of recommendations.