الاندماج الاجتماعي لطلاب دور الرعاية الاجتماعية بمدارس ولاية بوشر :|bدراسة وصفية مطبقة على مدارس الحلقة الثانية و التعليم ما بعد الاساسي بولاية بوشر بمحافظة مسقط
الشنفرية, هيفاء بنت أحمد بن علي.
English abstract
The study aimed at investigating extent of infusing welfare homes student in pubic schooling and identifying requirement of this infusion .Role of both school and welfare homes is also tackled by the study to pinpoint constrains of fultilling infusion process.
A descriptive are lyses was addressed and the study sample was lot teacher,28 welfare students and 11 social worker .Sample members are all working for ministry of education in Muscat region (bowshar).
The study tools are 3 questionnaires designed validated and administered by the researcher herself. Finding revealed that welfare home student encountered certain social, psychological educational problem at school depriving them not fully to adopt themselves among other normal student at schooling levels. Finally the study draw a number of recommendations.