English abstract
This study aims at identifying the professional skills of teachers who teach students with learning disabilities to determine which of these skills they possess. The skills have been drawn from the standards of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). The responses of three hundred six special education teachers form the Sultanate of Oman have been solicited. The researcher has used the mean response, the standard deviation, the correlation coefficient, the analysis variance, and the LSD test to obtain the following results: • The professional skills have been arranged by the teachers involved in the study according to availability in the following order : the Development of learners and their Characteristics;; teaching strategies; ethical and professional practices; individual differences;planning for teaching; Co-operation; learning environment and social interaction; assessment; language; and general foundations. • There is a significant correlation between years of experience and qualification, on the one hand, and with total score, on the other hand. However, no significant correlation is found between the total score and the educational governorate. • There are significant differences in responses among special education teachers due to years of experience.
• There are significant differences in responses among special education teachers due to the academic qualification.
• There are no significant differences in responses among special education teachers due to the educational governorate .