English abstract
The study aimed to access conceptualize a proposal for the development of its administration in the light of the Total Quality Management requirements.
The researcher used a descriptive analyticl approach to achieve the objectives of the study and to collect data related to the problem. A questionnaire included the administrative operations of the total quality management. The study sample consisted of 60 members of the administrators and academics. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS).
The study results showed that the estimates of the study sample about the existence of constraints limiting the Institute Management Development came high in all administrative processes and were as follows: (training, evaluation, planning, financing, and organization). The results of the study showed no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the estimates of the sample due to the variable type and experience, while there were significant differences at the level of (0.05) due to the variable Qualification and in favor of bachelor's degree holders, as well as differences existed due to the nature of the job variable and in favor of academics in the administrative constraints of the organization and funding. .
The results regarding management development showed that averages and standard deviations for study sample is high from the perspective of administrators and academics.
There were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in favor of females on the requirement of top management support for the application of total quality management, and there were differences also due to the nature of job variable in favor of academics requirement mechanisms for spreading the total quality culture. The study showed differences at the level of (0.05) between the mean estimates of the category of staff with less work experience (1-6), and the most experienced staff (7 - and above) on the requirement of top administration support for the application of total quality management, democratic administration..
The researcher developed a proposal for the development of the Institute's management, which includes some solutions and
implementation procedures. She recommended some studies such as an evaluative study of the Institute in the light of the quality standards approved by the Accreditation Council of Oman.