English abstract
This study has deals with the subject of alienation poetry in the modern Omani poetry in the Africani emigrants. This study consists of three chapters and an appendix. The first chapter with the historical introduction which views the Omani existence in East Africa and its cultural and civilized role that the Omanis have achieved there. The study, moreover, has tackled on given short introductions of some poets who have been included in the study register.
The second chapter has deals with a study which includes the difference among the alienation , being away from homeland and loneliness by returning back to the Arabic dictionaries and the new studies. This chapter has also dealt with the alienation in the Arabic literature through its different ages by studying the poetry in its several topics such as the personal poetry, national, social and political poetry as
well as brotherhood poetry and Omani traveling poetry. The third chapter aimes to have an artistic treatment to the continuous poetic sides and their relation to the poetry images, the poets language, their styles and their poetic diction.One of the most important results of the study concerning alienation expression is that old and new dictionaries agree that alienation, being away from home and loneliness mean being away from homeland . This phenomenon is not new in modern life, but it has been dealt with in ancient ages since the beginning of Man's life on earth . It was clear in many of the artists works. The study also shows the absence of a great amount of the Omani literature as a result of the revolution in Zanzibar. It is also a result of not preserving this great historical treasure. The research shows that the voice of the emigrants was present in the Omani, Islamic and Arabic issues.
In conclusion, the research shows a summary with some recommendations, for further studies. One of these important studies is the trial to follow the missing chains in the Omani literature by studying a great amount of the lost Omani poetry in East Africa and the Asian emigrant This study has gains its importance observes the alienation phenomenon. It is also hoped that this study participates in discovering about poems in the Omañi poetry that were not dealt with before. It is also made a group of unknown poets, recognized in East Africa.