English abstract
The main objective of the current study was to investigate the applying of social media networks in teaching Mathematics in cycle two and post- basic education schools in the Sharqia North Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman from the perspectives of the female teachers of the subject. To achieve the study aim, the descriptive approach was used and a questionnaire of (28) items was used as a tool to collect data. The validity of the tool was varied and proved by Cronbach's Alpha. The sample of the study consisted of (82) mathematics female teachers from schools grades (5-12) which was selected randomly. They represent (41%) of the to number of teachers on the governorate. The study reveals that the degree of applying the social media networks in teaching Mathematics by female teachers in Shraqia North governorate came with a medium degree. There are statistically significant differences between the averages of the degree of applying the social media networks in teaching Mathematics between the female teachers due to which cycle the teachers teach, in favor of the teachers of cycle two schools. There are statistically significant differences in teachers' perspectives towards the applying of social media networks Mathematics in teaching is due to their years of experience, in favor of female teachers with experience of 10 years and less. Finally, based on the results, the researcher recommended the importance of guiding and motivating teachers to applying the social media networks in teaching mathematics by supervisors, senior teachers and school administrations.