معنى الحياة وعلاقته بأساليب مواجهة الضغوط النفسية لدى طلبة الصف الحادي عشر بمحافظة البريمي.
السيابية, سرية بنت جمعة بن حارب.
English abstract
The aim of the study is to understand the meaning of life and the relationships between the meaning of life and the psychological stress for grade !) students at alburaimi governorate. The research sample was (**) students from grade 11, and the resercher distrbute around (*) questionnaires and the result showed that the meaning in life with the students was in the highest level and the level of the tichniques used to faced the psychological stress was in high and middle level and there is a statical signifcance relationship on the level(0.01 > a)between the level of meaning in life and the methods used to faced the psychological stress. And level of difference (0.05 > a) between males and females and from the SMA showed the the result benefits for the females. Also, the level of difference (0.05 > a) between the males and females in scale level of methods used to face the psychological stress. Finally, depend on this study the researcher compose some recommendations.