فاعلية برنامج تعليمي في تحسين الأداء في الكتابة لدى عينة من تلاميذ صعوبات التعلم في ولاية المضيبي بمحافظة شمال الشرقية.
الفورية, زینب بنت محمد بن علي.
English abstract
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Educational Program to Improve thePerformance in writing in a Sample of Students with Learning difficulties in Al-Mudhaibi city in Al-Sharqiya North region.
The study case consisted of 28 students with difficulties in writing in the fourth grade of primary basic school in Al-Sharqiya region in Al Mudhaibi city. The sample was selected in two stages intentional selection stage(the parameter 28 students male and female classified as having writing difficulties, it has been all these students considered as a base sample. Random selection stage ( the researcher divided the sample into two parts , an experimental sample the same officer at random, then put the list of the names by the random arrangement then the researcher by took the add numbered sample experimental (8) male and female while even numbers were considered matched contract (7) of males and females. Educational programme which is done by the researcher has 18 sessions. The researcher has chosen teaching class and apply the educational programme on the experimental group at the same time the control group didn't receive it except the normal activities that teacher has done / measurement of dimensional, telemetric measurement and follow up measure. The researcher used the test as a measurement to see the improvement of performance of the two groups. The results of the study has showed that there were differences between the name scores within the experimental group and the contract group reacher (.86). The results also indicated the presence of significant differences between the mean score of the experimental group and the control group reached (.03) for the experimental group. The results indicated the presence of significant differences between the mean score of the experimental group before applying and after the programme to measure writing difficulties due to the scale in favor of the post test experimental group reached (.01). Also the results show the lack of differences within it between the mean scores of the control group in the application that has done before and after the writing difficulties and reached (.22). And the results also shows that there are differences between the mean scores of the experimental group post test and the iterative reached (.01) due to the benefit of scale iterative for difficulties writing.