An application of educational theories and principles of teaching and learning communication skills for general practitioners in Oman.
Al-Mahrezie, Abdulaziz., مؤلف
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This article discusses the crucial role of teaching and learning
communication skills for general practitioners, based on the
theory of experiential and self-directed learning. It also outlines
the proposed ways and methods to teach these communication
skills in this project.
The patient-doctor interview or what is known as office visit in
some countries and consultation in others is the cornerstone
of the entire General Practice (GP) or Family Medicine. It is
from this process and outcome that the reputation is gained or
destroyed. The analysis of the consultation is complicated and
varied but is most usefully employed to assess effecacy in terms
of achieving the means that are mutually desired by patients and
their carers.
URL المصدر
Al-Wahaibi, Ahmed, & Al-Mahrezie, Abdulaziz (2009). An application of educational theories and principles of teaching and learning communication skills for general practitioners in Oman. Oman Medical Journal, 24, (2), 119-127.
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