بناء الأدوار الكلامية وتعاقبها في المحادثات الإعلامية : دراسة تداولية : برنامج أرقام وحقائق أنموذجا.
جامعة السلطان قابوس.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This research aims to study constructing and sequencing verbal turns in
news interview conversation with using the pragmatic approach. In it, we
answer problems related to the institutional the construction of verbal
roles and their succession in media conversations dimensions of
building verbal roles in the media conversation and the interactive
resources that make it up. Such as the environment of interaction and
relations between the participants and the arrangement of their bodies
and the alignment between them in building verbal turns and their
sequence in media conversations.
In order to answer the problems raised, we studied twenty episodes of
the weekly program "Arqam wa Hqaek" that is broadcast on the
Sultanate of Oman TV, and we chose from this program the episodes
that achieve the method of high participation interaction. We relied on a
modified version of the Jeffersonian Code Copy System while benefiting
from the efforts of other researchers in copying the interactive functions
of gaze.
This research came in four chapters. In the first chapter, we presented a
theoretical framework on the cognitive origins of the conversation
analysis stream, the terms overlapping with the term conversation, and
the approaches that approached conversation as well as the types of
conversation. In the second chapter, we studied the institutional
dimensions of building turns, as well as their interactive functions and
building units. In the third chapter, we studied the organization of the
sequence of turns that explain the sequence and regularity of
conversational turns. In the fourth chapter, we studied the influence of
stylistic elements in constructing verbal turns and their sequence.
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الملخص العربي
يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة بناء الأدوار الكلامية وتعاقبها في المحادثات الإعلامية بالاستعانة بالمنهج التداولي ونجيب فيه عنإشكالات تتعلق بالأبعاد المؤسسية لبناء الادوار الكلامية في المحادثة الإعلامية والموارد التفاعلٌية التي تتكون منها، كما نجيبعنالاشكال المتعلقة بتفسير التعاقب بين أدوار المحادثة التًي تسير بانتظام دون توقف أو تداخل، وإضافة إلى ذلك نجب عن الاشكال الآخرالمتعلق بتأثير العناصر المقامية في المحادثة كبيئة التفاعل والعلاقات بين المشاركين وترتيب أجسادهم والمحاذاة بينهم في بناء الأداور الكلامية وتعاقبها في المحادثات الإعلامية.
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية