
ممارسات المعلمين لكفاءات التعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي في الموقف التعليمي بمركز اللغات والبرنامج التأسيسي بجامعة الشرقية.

عناوين أخرى
Teachers' practices of social and emotional learning competencies in the educational situation at the Language Center and Foundation Program at A'Sharqiyah University
جامعة الشرقية.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Several international reports have shown educational loss in social and emotional learning skills (UNESCO,2020) during the Corona pandemic, and UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank launched a joint mission, called Mission: Restoring Education 2021, and focused on three priorities, including restoring learning loss: through the development of students' social and emotional skills. Teacher preparation and empowerment through training and potential additional support for the implementation of remedial education and social-emotional learning (Giannini et al., 2021;), World Bank Group, 2021).Given the importance of social and emotional learning competencies in students' academic achievement, the results of the Kaşıkcı & Özhan study (2021) showed a positive and significant correlation between social and emotional learning skills, academic achievement, and happiness. The results of several studies have pointed to the role of social and emotional learning competencies in promoting positive school climate and relationships and supporting positive behavior (Albright et al., 2019); and their role in achieving academic and achievement growth for students (Ecklund, 2021).The scarcity and limitation of similar studies within the limits of researchers' knowledge, especially in the Sultanate of Oman, which examined teachers' practices of social and emotional learning competencies * in the educational situation * at the Language Center and Foundation Program at A'Sharqiyah University, such as one of the reasons for conducting this study, which gave it a degree of importance, especially in light of the various repercussions of the Corona pandemic on educational systems, including the absence of adoption of social-emotional skills by higher education institutions in the Sultanate of Oman.The results of the study showed that the overall score of the degree of teachers' practices of social and emotional learning competencies * in the educational situation * was high, with an arithmetic average (4.29), and at the level of sub-competencies, the efficiency of social awareness obtained the highest average (4.42), followed by relationship skills (4.37), the efficiency of responsible decision-making (4.29), the efficiency of self-management (4.26) and the lowest efficiency of self-awareness (4.14), all with a grade of (large). The results showed that: There were no statistically significant differences in the degree of teachers' practices of social and emotional learning competencies * in the educational situation * due to variables (specialization, age, and years of teaching experience)ز Recommendations: The Center for Languages and Foundation Studies at A'Sharqiyah University should adopt courses, workshops and lectures on the practices of social and emotional learning competencies in the educational situation of teachers in particular.
الملخص العربي
يعتبر التعلم الاجتماعي العاطفي الخطوة الأولى نحو تطوير مناخ مدرسي إيجابي وآمن، حيث Jones et al., ( أشار 2019( أن الاهتمام بالتنمية
الاجتماعية والعاطفية في جدا في تهيئة المدارس مهم بيئات مدرسية آمنة وداعمة تسهل عملية التعلم، حيث أن الفصول الدراسية التي تسوًد
فيها العلاقات الدافئة بين المعلمين والطالب تدعم التعلم العميق، والطالب الذين يشعرًون بالراحة مع معلميهم وأقرانهم هم
أكثر استعدادا للتعامل مع المواد الصعبة والمثابرة على التعلم.
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العروض التقديمية

مواد أخرى لنفس المؤلف

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