Riding the diabetes rollercoaster : a new approach for health professionals, patients and carers.
عناوين أخرى
ركوب (القطار السريع) لداء السكر : طريقة جديدة للمهنيين في القطاع الصحي والمرضى ومن يرعاهم
College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The book provides a new approach in looking at diabetes as a health problem with complex dimensions affecting patients, their families and health professionals. The authors have adopted a particular approach to diabetes, starting with a brief introduction to diabetes, outlining some of its main aspects and charting historical develop- ments to show why it is such a perfect example of a complex system. They highlight the growing number of patient with diabetes worldwide, now reaching epidemic proportions, and the consequent social and economic impacts. The book also discussed the danger of diabetes in developing psychological and mental problems. As well as focusing on disease management through complementary therapies.
URL المصدر
Al-Mamari, Ali. (reviewer). (2008). Riding the Diabetes Rollercoaster : a new approach for health professionals, patients and carers. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 8 (3), 366-367.
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