
الحماية المدنية للملكية العقارية في السجل العقاري العماني : دراسة تحليلية.

رسالة ماجستير
Other titles
Civil protection of Real Estate Ownership in the Omani Real Estate Registry : (Analytical study)
جامعة السلطان قابوس
Thesis Type
رسالة ماجستير
English abstract
This study came to address the problem of the effectiveness of the Omani real estate registry in achieving civil protection for real estate ownership and the legal centers related to it. The Omani Land Registry System Law was enacted in the year 1998, after which many laws were issued, such as the Civil Transactions Law and the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law. Does the Omani Land Registry, in its current identity, provide the required protection for real estate and is compatible with other laws? The importance of this study is that it contributes to developing the rules related to real estate ownership, specifically related to civil protection provided by the real estate registry, and thus raising the level of real estate credit in the Sultanate. The researcher used the descriptive approach based on explaining the types of real estate records and distinguishing them from each other, and also relied on the analytical approach based on analyzing the general situation of real estate records and the legal texts related to them and real estate in general and the extent of the adequacy of civil protection provided for real estate ownership. Finally, the study adopted a comparative approach with some other legislation to find the strengths and weaknesses of Omani real estate records. The thesis reached many results, the most important of which is that the Omani legislator adopts the real estate registry system. The study also concluded that the Omani real estate registry performs two functions out of three that real estate ‌ذ registries generally perform, and that the legislator gave the real estate registry relative authority instead of absolute authority, and that the legislator takes this into account in light of the problems surrounding the Omani real estate registry system. The most important thing that the study recommended is that the legislator take a firm stance by making registration as an essential basis of the transaction and not limit it to a condition for the transfer of ownership, and to create an electronic system of real estate records.
Arabic abstract
جاءت هذه الدراسة لتعالج إشكالية مدى فاعلية السجل العقارية العماني في تحقيق الحماية المدنية للملكية العقارية والمراكز القانونية المتعلقة بها، فقانون نظام السجل العقاري العماني شرع في سنة 1998م والذي صدرت بعده العديد من القوانين كقانون المعاملات المدنية وقانون الاجراءات المدنية والتجارية، فهل السجل العقاري العماني بهويته الحالية يوفر الحماية المطلوبة للعقارات ويتواءم مع القوانين الاخرى؟، وتبرز أهمية هذه الدراسة في أ نها تساهم في تطوير القواعد المتعلقة بالملكية العقارية ّ وبالتحديد المتعلقة بالحماية المدنية التي يوفرها السجل العقاري للعقا رات، وبالتالي رفع مستوى الائتمان العقاري في السلطنة
ولقد استخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي القائم على بيان أنواع السجلات العقارية وتمايزها عن بعضها، واعتمدت كذلك على المنهج التحليلي القائم على تحليل الوضع العام للسجلات العقارية والنصوص القانونية المتعلقة بها وبالعقا رات عموم ومدى كفاية الحماية المدنية الموفرة للملكية العقارية.

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