
التعريفات النحوية بين المتون والشروح : متن التسهيل وشروحه أنموذجاً.

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Subject of grammatical definitions in the explanations of facilitation with the descriptive analytical approach
جامعة السلطان قابوس.
English abstract
1. In many chapters of grammar the latecomers pay close attention to definitions such as unjustifiable lengthiness, indecent brevity, or the insertion - in their explanation - of elaborate logical explanations, or complex clarifications, or difficulty for the learner, and from explanations that overcome the aspect of transmission without criticism, and others that exaggerate it. and another that derails it. And that this activity is not devoid of keenness to control and judge the opinion, avoid slippage and shortcomings, and strengthen the argument. There is no way to estimate this and that except by searching for the nature of the contents of the definition, and the objections, responses, and discussions raised around it, and the share of success and failure in all of this. They are research problems that need to be pondered from time to time. 2. In the explanations of facilitation, a reading of the mind of Ibn Malik in diligent research in his definitions, between an explanation of it without objection or criticism, between a supporter of it and a critic of it who opposes it. And between influenced by some logical aspects. So the search comes; to discuss all of that. The study was based on objectives. The most important of them: - explanations and explanations, with an indication of their methodology and sources. - Studying the topic of grammatical definitions between mere explanation, and taking care of objection and criticism. - Taking care of an important grammatical field, which is the paths of follow-up and innovation in definitions. - Explanation of the importance of the impact of Ibn Malik's grammatical heritage on the course of grammatical thinking. - Examine the effect of using logic on grammatical reasoning. The study sought to achieve it through an introduction and a preface in which the vocabulary of the title and the translations of the explanations were clarified, and four chapters studied the general and specific grammatical introductions, the nominatives and accusatives, and the grammatical methods. The study sought to achieve it through an introduction and a preface in which the vocabulary of the title and the translations of the explanations were clarified, and four chapters studied the general and specific grammatical introductions, the nominatives and accusatives, and the grammatical methods. And I concluded this with many results, the most important of which are: that the commentators of facilitation were affected by logic was slightly influenced, and that the broadest explanation of facilitation was the explanation of Abi Hayyan, followed by the explanation of the army's nazir, and that most of them objected to Ibn Malik was Abu Hayyan, and that most of the explanations do not object, and that most Al-Sharah in response to Abi Hayyan and a victory for Ibn Malik, who is the head of the army, and other results mentioned in their place.
Arabic abstract
تناولت هذه الدراسة موضوع التعريفات النحوية في شروح التسهيل بالمنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وقد قامت إشكاليتها على أمرين:
.1 أن في كثيٍر من أبواب النحو لدى المتأخرين عناية شديدة بالتعريفات من تطويٍل غير ســــــــائغ ، أو ايجاز مخل أو إقحام في شرحها للتعليلات المنطقية المتكلفة أو التوضيحات المعقدة أو تعسير على المتعلم.
2- إن في شروح التسهيل قراءة لعقل ابن مالك فب بحث دؤوب في تعريفاته بين شارح لها دون اعتراض أو نقد وبين مؤيد لها منتصر لها.
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