A study measuring the effect of high serum triglyceride and cholesterol on glucose elevation in human serum.
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
English abstract
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to further confirm the results documented in previous studies and to test the hypothesis of the presence of any correlation and if found, the regression nature of such correlation between triglyceride and glucose levels in one hand and cholesterol and glucose levels in the other hand. Methods: Samples were collected between March and August 2009 from 438 of both males and females from two patient groups; a) nondiabetic patients, b) non-insulin dependent type II diabetic patients. T he patients' serum glucose; cholesterol and triglyceride were simultaneously determined. A comparison study was conducted on the effect of the elevated level of each of the parameters (Cholesterol and Triglyceride) on glucose elevation. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in the number of cases with high glucose values >110 mg/dl among the three different study groups. There was a significant difference in the number of cases with glucose values >110 mg/dl between the two different study groups; 1) triglyceride <151 mg/ dl and cholesterol >201 mg/dl, 2) triglyceride >151 mg/dl and cholesterol>201 mg/dl. Conclusion: The elevation in triglyceride but not cholesterol has the same effect of both triglyceride and cholesterol elevation together on the association with increasing levels of high glucose in blood.
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Daboul, Mohammed Wael (2011). A study measuring the effect of high serum triglyceride and cholesterol on glucose elevation in human serum. Oman Medical Journal, 26 (2),109-113.
Journal articles