التمثيل الهندسي للمشكلة الرياضية لدى طلبة الصف التاسع الأساسي و علاقته بتفكيرهم الهندسي
جامعة السلطان قابوس
English abstract
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن أداء طلبة الصف التاسع الأساسي في التمثيل الهندسي للمشكلة الرياضية وعلاقته بتفكيرهم الهندسي ، واختلاف هذا الأداء باختلاف أدائهم في اختبار التفكير الهندسي . وقد قام الباحث بإعداد اختبارين أحدهما في التمثيل الهندسي ، والآخر في التفكير الهندسي للمستويات الثلاثة الأولى ( التصوري ، التحليلي ، الاستدلال غير الشكلي ) ، وقد تم التحقق من صدق الاختبارين بعرضهما على مجموعة من المحكمين ، كما تم التأكد من ثباتهما باستخدام طريقة الاتساق الداخلي ( طريقة ألفا كرونباخ ) والذي بلغ (۰٫۹۱) ، و ( ۰۰۷) على الترتيب . تكونت عينة الدراسة من (۳۱۶) طالبا وطالبة ، موزعين على (۱۲) شعبة في (2) مدارس تابعة للمديرية العامة للتربية والتعليم بمنطقة الظاهرة في سلطنة عمان.
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى النتائج التالية :
- وجود تدن في أداء طلبة الصف التاسع الأساسي في التمثيل الهندسي للمشكلة الرياضية. - تم التوصل إلى أن ( (17.2%) لم يجتازوا أيا من مستويات التفكير الهندسي حسب درجة الإتقان ( ۷۰%) لكل مستوى ، وتم تصنيف ( 73.9%)في واحد من مستويات التفكير الهندسي ( التصوري ، التحليلي ، الاستدلال غير
الشكلي ) ، بينما لم يحقق (۸٫۹ ٪ )من الطلبة مستويات التفكير الهندسي بنفس الترتيب المتسلسل وفق نموذج فان هيل .
- وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة دالة إحصائية عند مستوى ( ه د ۰٫۰۰) بين درجات الطلبة في اختبار التمثيل الهندسي و درجاتهم في اختبار التفكير الهندسي .
- وجود فروق دالة إحصائية عند مستوى ( ه 2 ۰۰۰۰) بين متوسطات درجات الطلبة في اختبار التمثيل الهندسي للمشكلة الرياضية الهندسية تعزى إلى أدائهم في اختبار التفكير الهندسي ( مرتفع ، متوسط ، منخفض ). وقد خلصت الدراسة لعدد من التوصيات أهمها تضمين الكتب المدرسية لصفوف التعليم الأساسي بمشکلات رياضية يتطلب حلها تمثيلها بشكل هندسي ، و التركيز على عرض أنشطة لتطوير مستوى التفكير الهندسي تتميز بالقدرة على التدرج من المستوى الإدراكي باتجاه التحقق من العلاقات واكتشاف الخواص
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Arabic abstract
This study aimed at investigating basic ninth grade students' geometrical representation and their relationship with students' geometrical thinking It also investigated the differences between students performance in the geometric representation test and the geometrical thinking test... The researcher prepared two tests:- one testing the geometrical representation and the other testing the ability to think geometrically on the first three levels i.e. visualization, analysis and informal deduction, The two tests were verified for validity by a group of educators and have also been verified for reliability by the means of conducting endurance the two tests on a group of ninth grade students and calculating the internal consistency using the method of Alpha Cronbach's- that reached (0.91) and (0.7) respectively. Sample of the study consisted of(314) students distributed over (12) groups in (5) schools related to the Directorate General of Education in the Al-Dahirah region in the Sultanate of Oman and the following results were found:
According to the study there was a decline in the performance of the students in basic ninth grade in the test of geometrical representation of mathematical problems. It was found that (17.2%)did not go beyond any of the levels of geometrical thinking according to the degree of perfection(70%) for each of the levels, (73.9%) were classified in one of the levels of geometrical thinking (visualization, analysis and informal deduction), among them (8.9%) of the students did not achieve the level of geometrical thinking in the serial arrangement according to the theory of Van Hill, There is a positive statistical correlation shown statistically on the level of ( a s0.05) between the grades of the students in the test of geometrical representation and the grades of the students in the test of geometrical thinking. There are statistical differences at the level of (aso.05) between the average grades of students in the test of geometrical representation of mathematical problems and the average of students' marks at the geometrical thinking test according to students' level (high-medium – low( The study ended with several recommendations such as the fact that basic education school textbooks should include mathematical problems which require geometrical thinking in their solutions and should also focus on activities which can help develop the level of geometrical thinking of the students and characterize the ability to gradually rise from the cognitive level to the verification of the relationships and the discovery of properties.
According to the study there was a decline in the performance of the students in basic ninth grade in the test of geometrical representation of mathematical problems. It was found that (17.2%)did not go beyond any of the levels of geometrical thinking according to the degree of perfection(70%) for each of the levels, (73.9%) were classified in one of the levels of geometrical thinking (visualization, analysis and informal deduction), among them (8.9%) of the students did not achieve the level of geometrical thinking in the serial arrangement according to the theory of Van Hill, There is a positive statistical correlation shown statistically on the level of ( a s0.05) between the grades of the students in the test of geometrical representation and the grades of the students in the test of geometrical thinking. There are statistical differences at the level of (aso.05) between the average grades of students in the test of geometrical representation of mathematical problems and the average of students' marks at the geometrical thinking test according to students' level (high-medium – low( The study ended with several recommendations such as the fact that basic education school textbooks should include mathematical problems which require geometrical thinking in their solutions and should also focus on activities which can help develop the level of geometrical thinking of the students and characterize the ability to gradually rise from the cognitive level to the verification of the relationships and the discovery of properties.
Theses and Dissertations