
بعض الاضطرابات النفسية لدى طلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم في مدارس التعليم الأساسي بمحافظة مسقط

جامعة نزوى
English abstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the most common psychological disorders among students with learning disabilities, and determine if there were any significant differenes in assessing these disorders due to gender, school stage and housing area. The population of this study consisted of all students with learning disabilities in all elementary schools in muscat governorate which have classrooms for students with learning disabilities; that is, its size was 153(Male= 62, Famale= 91). Three scales of the following psychogical disorders: anxiety disorders, phobia disorders and depression disorders were developed based on literature validity and reliability of these scales were assessed, that is, construct validity was estimated by correlation cofficients , and reliability was assessed by cronbach alpha. To answer studey questions, means and standard deviahins wewr caleulated according to total scales and subscales. One-way ANOVA, T-test and LSD were utilized to find significance of any differences in assessing psychological disorder due to gender, school stage and housing area. Findings of this studay revealed that: 1. The most common psychological disorder in student with learning disabilities were in succession as follows: phobias, anxiety disorders and depression dissorders. 2. There were significant differences (at α≤0.05) in assessing anxiety disorders and phobia due to gender and housing area, while there were no significant differences due to school stag.
Arabic abstract
هدفت الدراسة الحالية التعرف إلى الاضطرابات النفسية الأكثر انتشارا لدى طلاب صعوبات التعلم من حيث النوع والدرجة في الصفوف: (الخامس و السادس والسابع والثامن) من التعليم الأساسي والتعرف علما إذا كانت هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في حدة الاضطرابات النفسية لمستوى القلق والاكتئاب والمخاوف المرضية وفقا لمتغير النوع، والمرحلة التعليمية، والمنطقة السكنية، وقد اشتمل مجتمع الدراسة عل جميع طلبة وطالبات ذوي صعوبات التعلم من مدارس الحلقة الثانية بولايات محافظة مسقط، والبالغ عددهم 135 طالب وطالبة من طلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم، حيث بلغ عدد الطلاب الذكور 62 طالبا، وعدد الإناث 91 طالبة.
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