
أثر استخدام تقنية الإنفوجرافيك القائمة على نموذج أبعاد التعلم لمارزانو في تنمية عادات العقل واكتساب المفاهيم الإسلامية وتنمية الذات الأخلاقية لدى طالبات الصف العاشر الأساسي في مادة التربية الإسلامية في تحصيلهن الدراسي.

رسالة دكتوراة
Other titles
The Impact of using infographic technique Based on Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model on Developing Habits of Mind, Acquiring Islamic Concepts, and Fostering Moral Self in Tenth-Grade Female Students in Islamic Education in Relation to Academic Ach
جامعة السلطان قابوس
Thesis Type
رسالة دكتوراة
English abstract
This study investigated the impact of using infographic technique based on Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model on developing habits of mind, acquiring Islamic concepts, and fostering moral self in tenth-grade female students in Islamic education considering their academic achievement. A quasi-experimental design was employed with 273 participants divided into an experimental group (n=139) receiving instruction using infographic-based materials and a control group (n=134) receiving traditional instruction. The study objectives were achieved through an educational program using infographic technique based on Marzano's model and infographic design standards. Three study tools—a habits of mind measure, an Islamic concepts acquisition test, and a moral self measure—were developed and assessed for validity and reliability, meeting the study's requirements. Top of Form To answer the study questions and test the associated hypotheses, two-way MANCOVA and two-way ANCOVA were used. The results showed statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group students in all habits of mind, acquisition of Islamic concepts, and in all aspects of moral self. The results also showed a statistically significant difference in the development of habits of mind in the habits of (thinking flexibly, listening with understanding and empathy, and applying prior knowledge to new situations) attributed to academic achievement (high and low), in favor of the experimental group students with high academic achievement. The absence of a statistically significant difference between the means of the students' scores in the post-application of the Habits of Mind Scale was attributed to academic achievement in the first (perseverance) and second (caution and avoidance of rashness) habits. The presence of a statistically significant difference in the acquisition of Islamic education concepts among tenth-grade students was attributed to academic achievement (high and low) in favor of the experimental group students with high academic achievement. The absence of a statistically significant difference between the means of the students' scores in the post-application of the Moral Self Scale was attributed to academic achievement (high and low) in all aspects of moral self. The results also showed a statistically significant interaction in the Habits of Mind Scale for tenth-grade students between the teaching method (infographic technique based on ‌و Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model and prevailing teaching methods) and academic achievement (high and low) in all habits except the third habit (thinking flexibly). The presence of a statistically significant difference in the acquisition of Islamic concepts among tenth-grade students who studied using (infographic technique based on Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model) and the average scores of students who studied using the traditional method was attributed to the interaction between the teaching method (infographic technique based on Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model and the traditional method) and academic achievement (high, low) in favor of high-achieving students. The absence of a statistically significant difference in the Moral Self Scale for tenth-grade students was attributed to the interaction between the teaching method (infographic technique based on Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model and prevailing teaching methods) and academic achievement (high and low) in developing moral self. The study presented a set of recommendations considering the study findings, the most important of which are: • Revising the planning of Islamic education textbooks and organizing them in the different stages to include educational activities and tasks to develop habits of mind, moral self, and acquire concepts. • Training students on other habits of mind related to Islamic education at different stages of education. • Working on developing curricula in line with the requirements of the current time, which increasingly relies on modern technologies in all aspects of life. • Organizing workshops and training courses for Islamic education teachers and trainers on how to use infographic techniques and methods of its preparation and design. • The necessity of using Marzano's model in teaching Islamic education, and in different stages of education.
Arabic abstract
هدفت‌ هذه ‌الدراسة‌ إلى ‌تقّصي أثر استخدام تقنية الإنفوجرافيك القائمة على نموذج أبعاد التعلم لمارزانو في تنمية عادات العقل واكتساب المفاهيم الإسلامية وتنمية الذات الأخلاقية لدى طالبات الصف العاشر األساسي في مادة التربية الإسلامية في ضوء تحصيلهن الدراسي . و استخدمت الدراسة المنهج شبة التجريبي . وتكونت عينة الدراسة من ) 273( طالبة من طالبات الصف العاشر من التعليم الاساسي إلى مجموعتين: تجريبية درست باستخدام البرنامج التعليمي(تقنية الإنفوجرافيك القائمة على نموذج أبعاد التعلم لمارزانو) وتكونت من (139) طالبة، ُّ وضابطة درست باستخدام طرائق التدريس السائدة، وتكونت من (134) طالبة. ولتحقيق أهداف الد ارسة أُعدت المادة التعليمية المتمثلة في برنامج تعليمي مستند على تقنية الإنفوجرافيك القائمة على نموذج مارزانو وفق معايير تصميم الإنفوجرافيك.
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